It is the policy of our company to respond to customer complaints, disputes and issues immediately, to take each complaint seriously, to investigate each complaint however small it is – immediately and to take remedial actions swiftly. As soon as a complaint is received, it is documented and is logged into a special log. The complaint is sent directly to the Customer Complaint Officer or his designate, in order to take action. All complaints and records of complaints are kept in a special complaints binder along with all the Customer Complaint Officer's Quality Control Files and other written policies so employees can easily access them and use them to provide better customer service. Reports on complaints are reviewed during the Customer Complaint Officer's meetings with our Board. We are focused on providing financial products and services to all customers in compliance with all Federal and State regulatory policies including but not limited to consumer protection, fair lending and civil rights laws. For more information, contact us at the number on the Home Page.
Customer service is very important to us. As we continue to improve and expand our services, we recognize our customers' need and desire to preserve their privacy and confidentiality. Safeguarding our customers' privacy is also very important to us. We have adopted standards that help maintain and preserve the confidentiality of customers' nonpublic personal information. The following Statement affirms our continued efforts to safeguard customer information.
Information We Collect
We gather nonpublic personal information about our customers as may be necessary to conduct business with our customers. We collect nonpublic personal information about you from the following sources:
Information We Disclose
Your personal information will only be retained for the purpose of providing you with our response to your query and will not be made available to any third party except as necessary to be disclosed to any related entity for the purpose intended or as required to be disclosed under law.
By submitting data on our website, the visitor is providing explicit consent to transmission of data collected on the website.
We treat data as confidential within our firm and require a strict adherence of all our employees to data protection and our confidentiality policies.
All visitors, however, should be aware that our website may contain links to other sites that are not governed by this or any other privacy statement.
We reserve the right to amend (that is, add to, delete or change) the terms of this Privacy Statement from time to time.